Not only will Raytion present talks, but is also a sponsor of the Enterprise Search and Discovery Conference. Our company will perfectly blend in on the current topics concerning innovation and a new modern direction of knowledge management.
Our collegue Sebastian Klatt will present a talk on the topic “Facilitating Teams & Collaborative Work: Platform & Culture” for the KMWorld. This talk discusses Globo, a central knowledge management initiative at Helsana. Its aim is to consolidate all relevant product-related knowledge and its creation in one central place to facilitate collaboration and knowledge sharing.
Another presenter is Vasko Panovski and will talk about “Search Decision Making” for the Enterprise Search & Discovery 2022. The presentation shows that allowing practitioners to search for individual slides directly within PowerPoint saves significant time without the need to download and sort through large presentations to find a single slide.
Also, our collegue Christian Puzicha will present “Can Content Be Overtagged?” He will talk about many overlapping and intersecting OCTVs in each domain. The question he will discuss is if it makes sense to use all available tools, or if an overuse is counterproductive.
With Raytion’s focus on collaboration, search, and cloud we support the information intelligence needed for the digital world. We are experts for open source search and long-term integration partners of all major search technology vendors.
Are you interested into the topics of the conference? Then please to reach out to us!